Verify membership and coverage by phone or by submitting electronic inquiries.
Call BlueCard Eligibility at 1 (800) 676-BLUE (2583). You will be prompted for the member's prefix and connected to the appropriate Blue Plan.
- English and Spanish speaking representatives are available to assist you.
- Blue Plans are located throughout the country and may operate on a different time schedule than Regence. You may be transferred to an interactive voice response system linked to customer enrollment and benefits or you may need to call back.
The BlueCard Eligibility line is for eligibility, benefit and pre-certification/referral authorization inquiries only. It should not be used for claim status. You can check claim status using Availity Essentials.
Submit an American National Standard Institute (ANSI) 270 transaction (eligibility) to Regence. Most BlueCard electronic inquiries are answered within minutes.
Check member eligibility using Availity Essentials.
Use the online router tool to be directed to the member's Blue Plan. You will need to enter the member's prefix.
Member ID cards with a magnetic stripe on them have subscriber/member electronic data embedded in the card. A card reader can be used to read this information.
Some states require that out-of-state providers enroll in their state's Medicaid program to be reimbursed. Some of these states may accept a provider's Medicaid enrollment in the state where they practice to meet this requirement. If you are required to enroll in another state's Medicaid program, you should receive notification upon submitting an eligibility or benefit inquiry. You must enroll in that state's Medicaid program before submitting the claim.