Regence and its affiliates have worked hard to earn and maintain a reputation for highly ethical business practices. These practices are based on fairness, integrity and honesty. We are committed to strict compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations that apply to our business. We expect the same of those with whom we do business.
Our ethics and compliance standards are expressed in our Code of Business Conduct (PDF). Among other subjects, the Code addresses the following:
- Core values
- Making good decisions
- Reporting issues and concerns
- Conflicts of interest
- Reciprocity
- Payments to agents, representatives, providers and consultants
- Safety, health and environment
- Dealing with customers/ suppliers
- Gifts, gratuities and entertainment
- Federal programs
- Political activity and contributions
- Confidential information and trade secrets
- Improper payments
- Honorariums
- Books and records
- Proper accounting
- Member information
Employee information
We are committed to conducting business only with physicians and other health care professionals, facilities, agents, consultants, contractors and suppliers who support our employees' compliance with our Code. We appreciate your full cooperation with this commitment so that our relationship with you will be built on the same high ethics and compliance standards. If at any time you become aware of a situation or practice that may not comply with these standards, please contact:
- Phone: (888) 384-3577
- Fax: (844) 679-7769
If you wish to report an ethics or compliance issue anonymously, call the Ethics and Compliance Resource Line at 1 (888) 384-3577. We will attempt to protect the confidentiality of anyone who reports suspected misconduct, but some circumstances may make that impossible. Choosing to make an anonymous report may limit our ability to conduct an investigation and may result in no corrective action being taken. No employee who is accused of a violation will be disciplined solely on the basis of an anonymous report.
In addition to the resources listed above, if you have a concern or a complaint about an accounting, internal controls or auditing matter, you can call the Audit and Compliance Committee Chair of the Regence Board of Directors at 1 (888) 655-5452 or send an email. Your phone call or email will be routed directly to the Chair, who is an independent outside member of the Regence Board of Directors.