Pharmacy peer-to-peer (P2P) review request for medications (provider-administered)

If you would like to speak with a clinical reviewer about the denial of a provider-administered medication pre-authorization (PA) request, please complete this form to arrange for a peer-to-peer (P2P) discussion.

Please call pharmacy customer service for all inquiries related to retail medications.

Pharmacy customer service: 1 (844) 765-6827
Provider customer service: 1 (800) 253-0838
Medicare customer service: 1 (866) 749-0355

  • What is a P2P? A P2P is a telephone conversation between a provider and a clinical pharmacist.
  • Who does the P2P? Pharmacists conduct all P2P calls for medications. Medical directors are available to answer any additional (unanswered) clinical questions.
  • When can the P2P be done? The P2P must be requested:
    • within 15 calendar days of the date on the preauthorization denial letter;
    • BEFORE an appeal has been initiated. We are unable to conduct P2P calls once an appeal has been initiated (for non-Medicare members).
  • When is a good time to talk?
    • Please provide two preferred call windows (time frames) for the P2P call and a direct line, so our staff can reach you.
    • Please ensure the provider receiving the call has agreed to the call windows.
    • We are happy to call anytime between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm PST but prefer two hours to gather information for the call. We are committed to returning the call same day, if requested.

This process is intended to:

  • Be a dialogue about a decision (denial) only BEFORE services are performed.
  • Discuss policy coverage criteria and the evidence used for a determination.
  • The call may also allow for a discussion to clarify the clinical situation and/or discuss potentially coverable treatment alternatives, if needed.

This process is NOT for:

  • Opening expedited appeals. Opening an appeal is the best course of action for reconsideration of a decision. An appeal can be opened via phone or fax.
  • Contract exclusions or reimbursement issues (including copays). Please contact our Provider Customer Service Team by phone at 1 (800) 253-0838 if you have any questions.
  • Post-service review. If services were rendered (meaning the medication was already administered) and you disagree with the decision, you will need to submit an appeal to Provider Services rather than a peer-to-peer discussion. Opening a post-service appeal.
  • General policy feedback. If you have a general, non-patient-specific question for a pharmacist and/or feedback on a specific medication policy, please click here to email.

If the answers to all the questions below are yes, a P2P for this provider-administered medication-related call may be conducted.

If the request does NOT meet these criteria and you wish to submit an appeal, please refer to the denial letter.



Medication requested and member information


Provider information


Requested call windows


Helpful Information

  • Pharmacy customer service: 1 (844) 765-6827
  • Provider customer service: 1 (800) 253-0838
  • Medicare customer service: 1 (866) 749-0355