Our values guide us in our strategic decision-making and our day-to-day interactions with coworkers, members, groups, suppliers, sales agents, providers and others with whom we do business.
We hold ourselves accountable to our company values and standards, as well as to our members, coworkers and all whom we serve.
- We live up to our responsibilities and deliver on our promises.
- We take ownership of problems, and the consequences that result from any decisions, behaviors and mistakes.
- We work to correct mistakes.
We speak up if we have a question or concern.
We are committed to satisfying our members, to a job well done, and to the success of Regence.
We trust in the good intentions of our colleagues and partners to provide health care security and value for our members. Trust is the foundation of all our relationships. In all we do, we work to build and maintain trust with others.
We work effectively with our internal and external partners to fulfill the needs of our members to their satisfaction. We recognize and value diversity of skills, talents and experience within the organization.
We demonstrate leadership in our markets, our communities, and the health care industry. We each set a personal example of high ethical standards in performing our jobs.
We maintain our status as a not-for-profit organization to remain focused on providing value to our members.